Architecture Collages

ArchiCollage - Secret Garden
by Dana-Krystle
Digital Art / Mixed Media / Landscapes & Scenery©2018 Dana-Krystle
Enter a void of an empty church and find plants and beautiful flowers growing.
Collage art work 2018.
Architecture and Interiors.
Illustration style . 

ArchiCollage - Broken Windows
by Dana-Krystle
Digital Art / Mixed Media / Landscapes & Scenery©2018 Dana-Krystle
Inside an Abandoned Castle of broken windows showing the rose colored sky. 
Collage art work 2018.
Architecture and Interiors.
Illustration style . 

ArchiCollage - Dreams
by Dana-Krystle
Digital Art / Mixed Media / Landscapes & Scenery©2018 Dana-Krystle
Architects lay on the floor, thinking about invisible cities under the red Sun.
Collage art work 2018.
Architecture and Interiors.
Illustration style . 

ArchiCollage - Circle Ceilings
by Dana-Krystle
Digital Art / Mixed Media / Landscapes & Scenery©2018 Dana-Krystle
Architects lay on the floor, thinking about invisible cities under the red Sun.
Collage art work 2018.
Architecture and Interiors.
Illustration style . 

ArchiCollage - Blue Snow
by Dana-Krystle
Digital Art / Mixed Media / Landscapes & Scenery©2018 Dana-Krystle
Architects lay on the floor, thinking about invisible cities under the red Sun.
Collage art work 2018.
Architecture and Interiors.
Illustration style . 

ArchiCollage - Butterfly Arcades
by Dana-Krystle
Digital Art / Mixed Media / Landscapes & Scenery©2018 Dana-Krystle
Architects lay on the floor, thinking about invisible cities under the red Sun.
Collage art work 2018.
Architecture and Interiors.
Illustration style . 


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About Me

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As an architectural designer, artist, and author, I have always been drawn to experimental approaches and techniques. I graduated from German Jordanian University and have since gained a wealth of experience in various fields such as landscape architecture, heritage conservation, exhibition design, and architecture design. My style has been described as contemporary, abstract, and uncanny. You can find my work showcased on multiple websites, including my architectural designs, abstract paintings, travel photography, and the occasional poetry excerpts that I publish as a collection on a yearly basis. I am the creator of several projects, including "Islamic Architecture by Dxx," "Digital Architecture Bit Box," "The Mind of Architecture," and "Noises of Architecture (NOA)."

My Architecture Blogs

  • * Visionary Drawing Building *// Book reference : Intervention Architecture: Building for Change *ANTILIA MEETING NOTES CONTAINING DESERT COPY-CAT-CARO...
    11 months ago
  • Plan: nabta Playa, Egypt In the transition to agropastoral lifestyles, human behaviors and perspectives underwent significant shifts compared to their F...
    11 months ago
  • *Building Analysis - ** Al Jame'e Al Kabeer | Qirawan * *Name of Building :* Al Jame'e Al Kabeer | Qirawan *Architect **:* Rebulit several times but goe...
    7 years ago

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