Architecture Sketches 2018

The Monochrome Collection Vol.1+Vol.2 from Sketchbooks 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 is part of a large sketchbook series in architecture illustrations created between 2017 and 2022. Materials used in these sketchbooks are primarily Ink, Pen and Markers. The aim of architecture illustrations are directed at creating inspiration and conceptual ideas that are used for creative concept decisions in projects and mood boards. I hope this sketchbook gives you inspiration for creating your own version of architecture illustration sketchbooks, and even come up with beautiful architecture designs and concepts for your projects. A thorough documentation is set to collect and archive all the sketches that were created during this series and body of work.

The ongoing conversation between where architecture created by traditional vs. digital means has been a topic widely discussed in the architecture profession. In this sketchbook two pages opposite each other, one created by hand (traditional) and the other by computer generation, as an exploration towards what it really means to design straight on paper, in contrast to writing code and generating shapes using software programs to design new concepts.

A lot of architecture students, graduates and architects are highly reliant these days towards digital means and architecture software programs. My argument is more set towards finding a middle ground where we can integrate both approaches to create something unique and able to immerse the design into new fresh realms. The search and debate is still on, what side do you think you are more keen on?

Print length : 296 pages
Language: English
Publication date: June 17, 2022
Dimensions :7 x 0.89 x 10 inches
ISBN-13 : 979-8836280796


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About Me

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As an architectural designer, artist, and author, I have always been drawn to experimental approaches and techniques. I graduated from German Jordanian University and have since gained a wealth of experience in various fields such as landscape architecture, heritage conservation, exhibition design, and architecture design. My style has been described as contemporary, abstract, and uncanny. You can find my work showcased on multiple websites, including my architectural designs, abstract paintings, travel photography, and the occasional poetry excerpts that I publish as a collection on a yearly basis. I am the creator of several projects, including "Islamic Architecture by Dxx," "Digital Architecture Bit Box," "The Mind of Architecture," and "Noises of Architecture (NOA)."

My Architecture Blogs

  • * Visionary Drawing Building *// Book reference : Intervention Architecture: Building for Change *ANTILIA MEETING NOTES CONTAINING DESERT COPY-CAT-CARO...
    11 months ago
  • Plan: nabta Playa, Egypt In the transition to agropastoral lifestyles, human behaviors and perspectives underwent significant shifts compared to their F...
    11 months ago
  • *Building Analysis - ** Al Jame'e Al Kabeer | Qirawan * *Name of Building :* Al Jame'e Al Kabeer | Qirawan *Architect **:* Rebulit several times but goe...
    7 years ago

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