Tips to chill while under stress of an upcoming deadline

    Life usually comes across as a pure definition of stress, it seems like everything we do or say in this life is putting us under a huge amount of pressure, everything has to be perfect and flawless, I mean, if you were anything near a perfectionist type of person , you probably are having double the amount of anxiety a normal person would have…

    Well, lucky for you, enrolling in architecture school is kind of level one for preparing you to facing the stress you have to deal with in real life architecture world, in fact it’s nothing near it, but close enough, I would say…

    Between coming up finally with a concept which takes ages sometimes, then creating a 3D model digitally or the old fashioned way, then elevations, sections, and detailed work…and blah blah, and then when you finally think you are finished you have to make sure that there are no flaws in your design and everything was done for a good purpose (functional designs), and there isn’t any question the jury can throw at you that you won’t have a reasonable answer or justification for it-which also takes ages-and at some hopeless point of your design process you might actually consider changing the whole thing and come up with an idea that sounds way better for you, so you have to start things over — note: if you are that type of student, and actually push through with it, then I pity the day you entered architecture school …it’s just not worth it , at all !

    Now, the obvious answer would be to manage your time from the start, from day one, when you got the assignment, and have had done your work during the two months allowance -more or less- they provided you to come up with the project you had to submit.
but, I mean, come on, not everyone can pull that off !

    If you are panicking right now and somehow managed to Google this, here are my top tips for you to chill out and send the stress monster away for a while, well at least till your next mental breakdown :

1. Take a deep breath , like now, and think that you would rather not submit anything than submit something half done. so take your time, the world isn’t going to end just because you are behind by like a *few months O.o??.

2.Coffee, Coffee, Coffee…or tea, whatever your heart prefers, a coffee/tea break sounds like a good idea to calm down, and it’s really soothing to go and make yourself a cup of strong caffeine before you take second look at your project, which at this point you probably hate and wish you can switch to another major at this instant.

3.Take a break immediately, *small nap is okay as long as you trust yourself to actually wake up. This might sound insane at the moment, but sometime stress could be your worst enemy, and every decision you make in your design now is going to be your worst, remember you have to be as calm as possible to make good decisions.

4.Open up your music folder and listen to any playlist, listening to music while working is a good idea, it keeps your mind away from thinking about how much time you wasted doing other things other than the project you have to submit in a few days, or tomorrow, what ever situation you have managed to put yourself into.

5.Watch something funny while you are working or before it, this is a a good idea because it will help you not take your life too seriously, it is not the end of the world if you don’t submit a good design by tomorrow, and a little secret from one former architecture student to another, some of the designs I’ve seen are really not that awesome to begin with, but the way they are presented are beyond amazing which helped elevate the project to another level, so even if you didn’t finish up all the requirements you had to do, you can always present what you have in a way to convince them that your design is actually awesome !

6.Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate, never ever leave room for self-doubt, no one can put you down effectively as your own self-doubt can, the more you self doubt your decisions, the worse it gets, just believe that you can do it, and no matter what people say or do won’t effect what you believe you can do.

7. Stuttering and Jittering are your worst enemies when presenting your work, so just believing that your project is awesome is enough to keep you from that, and if they hate it , so be it, because either way you are on your experimental phase of designing and all the errors you make are essential parts of your learning curve process.
-Good Luck !


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As an architectural designer, artist, and author, I have always been drawn to experimental approaches and techniques. I graduated from German Jordanian University and have since gained a wealth of experience in various fields such as landscape architecture, heritage conservation, exhibition design, and architecture design. My style has been described as contemporary, abstract, and uncanny. You can find my work showcased on multiple websites, including my architectural designs, abstract paintings, travel photography, and the occasional poetry excerpts that I publish as a collection on a yearly basis. I am the creator of several projects, including "Islamic Architecture by Dxx," "Digital Architecture Bit Box," "The Mind of Architecture," and "Noises of Architecture (NOA)."

My Architecture Blogs

  • * Visionary Drawing Building *// Book reference : Intervention Architecture: Building for Change *ANTILIA MEETING NOTES CONTAINING DESERT COPY-CAT-CARO...
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  • Plan: nabta Playa, Egypt In the transition to agropastoral lifestyles, human behaviors and perspectives underwent significant shifts compared to their F...
    11 months ago
  • *Building Analysis - ** Al Jame'e Al Kabeer | Qirawan * *Name of Building :* Al Jame'e Al Kabeer | Qirawan *Architect **:* Rebulit several times but goe...
    7 years ago

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